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Amiga Vampire Accelerators: Amiga Talk Talk

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Info: Happy Holidays and New Year, Amiga Vampire Community!
Amiga Talk Talk

As we wrap up another amazing year, let’s celebrate the passion and creativity that keeps our Amiga systems alive and thriving. From classic gaming sessions to pushing the boundaries of retro computing with Vampire accelerators, this community continues to make magic happen.

Posted by majsta on Wednesday, January 01 2025 @ 22:09:17 CET (357 reads)
(comments? | Info | Score: 0)

Amiga Talk Talk: Apollo-team chat
Amiga Talk Talk

Posted by majsta on Saturday, September 19 2015 @ 15:57:25 CEST (6638 reads)
(comments? | Amiga Talk Talk | Score: 3)

Amiga Talk Talk: Finnish Amiga Users Group's A4k donation to me
Amiga Talk Talk

OULU, FINLAND - October 27th, 2014 - Finnish Amiga Users Group recently received offers for two separate Amiga 4000 computer donations, for giving onwards to worthy Amiga causes. We are very grateful for these generous offers and have coordinated them to the best of our abilities. The machines and donations themselves have been handled by private people. We are now happy to announce that the first one of the Amiga 4000 donations is on its way to the recipient, Igor "Majsta" Majstorovic in Bosnia. Igor has worked tirelessly and selflessly on Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) accelerator cards to bring a modern solution to speeding up our old Amigas, and we hope this donation we facilitated helps him in that work. The donation also includes Amiga 4000 accelerator board connectors, plentiful accessories and some Amiga mementos as well.
Source: saku.amigafin.org

UPDATE: November 21, 2014
Received two huge packages. I will write about the things I received in new article after I solve few problems with monitor. He is heavily damaged, cathode tube was moved from its place, most of the wires inside are disconnected, lot of bended pins. It is sad because monitor looks from the inside and outside just like he has left the factory just now. I was repairing it all day and made some progress, got to the menu screen but still he is not working. In the tiny space inside monitor case I left lot of my blood, nasty fingers cuts... Destroyed my hands totally, but hey, it can't get any better than to mix my blood with Amiga devices :)

Posted by majsta on Tuesday, October 28 2014 @ 13:21:53 CET (3011 reads)
(Read More, Pictures, Files... | Amiga Talk Talk | Score: 1.36)

Amiga Talk Talk: Amiga PPC
Amiga Talk Talk

I was trying to get more info about creating PPC accelerator boards for Amiga. First I was talking with Rodolphe ***** and his work can be found HERE. Some of the informations on his website may be nice starting point for creating number of accelerators for Amiga.

My conversation with Rodolphe *****
Wednesday, January 5, 2011 6:40 PM

First of all i m working on some accelerators for Amiga600 and and lot of work is done, in next few days i ll build prototypes. But this is the only first part, i would like to work on PPC accelerators for Amiga. As you know there are Sonnet Creshendo cards with G3/G4 systems for MAC, and they are used to give maximum performace to old machines using PCI.

Rodolphe *****
You mean the PPC is connected on the PCI slot ??? The PCI is very low bus ...too low for a PPC. Data bandrate between PPC and RAM system will be poor...

As you allready know Elbox have mediator PCI interface and they have SharkPPC accelerator. In my investigation Sonet products are the same as SharkPPC and price is more then 25 times lover. So then i read about WarpOS and i think only reason for Sonnet products to work with mediator is lack of ppc libraries or drivers and those from WarpOs can be changed to work. I would like to talk with you about adding PCi to Amiga600 and then using PCI to add PPC accelerator.

Rodolphe *****
Not a good idea : you should connect PPC directly to the system bus. No expansion bus on Amiga 600 ?? Why Amiga 600 ?? It is a very rare machine! Amiga 1200 ok.

Or just ppc accelerator. I need from you some guidance how to start with this. In my accelerator I worked with MC68SEC000AA20 and BSI SRAM memory and GAL16V8 logic device. But i need more power and i dont know how to start with PPC design. Also i use quartus for Altera designs, and now i m confused. What is the best I can do using emulated MC68000 core with Cyclone II to gain some power or to make PPC accelerator.

Rodolphe *****
I cannot help you about VHDL because I'm not expert... I code with AHDL my CPLD... not using FPGA ! I do not see why you want to code a 68000 into the FPGA! Keep the 68020 near the PPC... connect PPC and deasctivate the 68020 or use it as second processor. This choice is really depending of the OS (it can or cannot manage with 2 different CPU !)

I hope that you will help me with this.

Rodolphe *****
I do not think... The PPC bus protocol is very different than 68K familly even if some signals are the same...(TS, TA, ...) The logic interface is important.... A big work... A long time ago I did a logic interface between PIII PC bus and G3 (IBM PPC750G), the idea was to connect directly a PPC CPU on PC motherboard by the P2/3 socket ! Like this we had an Atari/Amiga machine without designing the motherboard...;-)

Or just ppc accelerator. I need from you some guidance how to start with this. In my accelerator I worked with MC68SEC000AA20 and BSI SRAM memory and GAL16V8 logic device. But i need more power and i dont know how to start with PPC design. Also i use quartus for Altera designs, and now i m confused. What is the best I can do using emulated MC68000 core with Cyclone II to gain some power or to make PPC accelerator.

Rodolphe *****
I cannot help you about VHDL because I'm not expert... I code with AHDL my CPLD... not using FPGA ! I do not see why you want to code a 68000 into the FPGA! Keep the 68020 near the PPC... connect PPC and deasctivate the 68020 or use it as second processor. This choice is really depending of the OS (it can or cannot manage with 2 different CPU !)

Is there any way to use VHDL with some Cyclone FPGA to multiply CLK to get some king of sinhronisation?

Rodolphe *****
Sorry I cannot help because I do not see what you need...I do not use VHDL with Cyclone FPGA. I designed a 68060 + SDRAM board but I never need to multiply the 060 clock...

Then I was thinking why creating PPC accelerator if we have something like Sonnet G3/G4 accelerators and we have OS 4.1. So I searched for answers... I can't say name of the person I was talking to because I don't want to give anyone hard time.

My conversation with NN
Wednesday, January 5, 2011 5:40 PM

I would like to talk about Mediator from Elbox and the possibility of writing a driver for Sonnet G3/G4 accelerators that are prepared for the Mac. Because it seems to me that they are almost the same with Elbox's SharkPPC accelerators. So the problem could only be with drivers. Can you explane to me basic strategy of adding PPC libraries to OS 4.1 Classic because if there is support for SharkPPC what about support for Sonnet accelerators.

I'm afraid I can not help you much because my contract prohibits the "disclosure" of information acquired through the mailing list I have mentioned. Moreover, even we do not know everything. If you need reliable information, I think it's best to write Hyperion (more precisely, Ben Hermans) and ask him what you want to know, he was the only one who can/should give you correct informations. Note that he is usually quite busy and it may take until he repliy.

Posted by majsta on Sunday, February 05 2012 @ 16:55:23 CET (17763 reads)
(Read More, Pictures, Files... | Amiga Talk Talk | Score: 2.33)

Amiga Talk Talk: Talk regarding A608 memory upgrade
Amiga Talk Talk

AMIGA 600 autoconfiguring 8Mb fastRAM board
As the title says, this is DIY project for Amiga 600, which adds 8 megabytes of fast RAM. This RAM autoconfigures early at startup, so you needn't any software patches. The RAM board itself contains four DRAM memory chips, altera or atmel CPLD, several multiplexer TTL chips and several bypass capacitors and pullup resistors. Also there can exist JTAG 10pin male connector for in-system programming of CPLD. On the bottom side there is PLCC SMD socket to be mounted over 68000 CPU in your A600.
More info about the project you can find if you click HERE.
(c) lvd/NedoPC 2007

I was talking to lvd regarding some changes to his A608 memory upgrade to Amiga600.

My conversation with lvd
02 Nov 2010, 23:26

I have some questions related to memory upgrade for amiga 600. I want to build it for myself. First of all it is very hard for me to find memory dram modules in my country.
1. Is there any way to use sram memory, using something else beside EPM7032 because he dont support synchronous chips.
2. I can order some memory from farnell, can you tell me is there any memory i can use beside chips with 8160 in name.
3. Can i use this for example BS616LV8017EIP55 to reduce number of chips?

It is perfectly possible to use any RAM that fits. SRAM (static RAM, like your BS616...) is especially easier to attach. In any case, you have to re-make PCB, schematics and CPLD firmware, so some experience (or readiness to learn) is required. firmware for SRAM is much easier that DRAM since you do not have to obey DRAM access cycles, make refreshes etc.

My conversation with lvd
03 Nov 2010, 23:26

1. Why we cant use cpu from altera to have fpga accelerator for a600?
2. I want to make your board for myself with some upgrates. I want to talk with you because your design is almost perfect, and it can be even upgrated, only i need to make it use something else beside DRAM. I would like to read more about your work.

1. Of course you can. First you have to select appropriate altera chip (for example, some cyclone 1, 2 or 3) with enough logic capacity. Then you take 68000 softcore (from opencores.org), fit it in altera. Then you make level-shifting for your A600 (since cyclone is 3v-only and amiga is 5v logic), attach somehow your softcore 68000 to real amiga via your level-shifters. Then you make it all work :-) Alternatively, if you want 68020 or more, you just write your own CPU for altera. ;) And finally, I don't see any sense in using altera own CPU (nios) for amiga since there is no software for it.
2. Ok, you can ask me freely. Best place probably is the forum. I feel you want to build A600 accelerator yourself. If so, you can ask CHRV on forum whether he has some 68020 or 68030 parts. CPLD or FPGA then could be used as logic glue, memory controller (especially if you'll take SDRAM), bus interface for A600.

Posted by majsta on Sunday, February 05 2012 @ 15:52:20 CET (12857 reads)
(Read More, Pictures, Files... | Amiga Talk Talk | Score: 3.75)

Amiga Talk Talk: Amiga 1200 Coldfire accelerator
Amiga Talk Talk

Here are some informations I was trying to find about Russian Amiga1200 Coldfire accelerator project.
More info about the project you can find if you click HERE.

My conversation with Дмитрий Д******
Sunday, October 17, 2010 12:00 AM

The main reason why the project died was the lack of money. Not too much were made, when the project stopped, but we bought some IC's which were intended to be installed (NDA ones). You may want to write to our project engineer at ********2000@mail.ru for further details. And, if I remeber correctly, Coldfire couldn't emulate all necessairy M68K instructions correctly. Yet, I'm certain, it is still a good idea to resurrect the project. Best regards, Dimitri D****** aka DiskWizard.

My conversation with Константин С*******
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 9:17 AM

The idea of creating accelerator belongs to the Vovanius, I joined later. Its objectives included: the development of the scheme with my help, pcb layout and Coding instructions for the coldfire. I was supposed to provide the firmware for the CPLD - for the trapdoor. We had prepared the scheme and divorced pcb, but not made. CPLD also was not made until the end. The reason for the closure of the project was the fall of interest in him, the lack of free time and lack of money for the manufacture and pcb mounting BGA coldfire. Now turbocf is not very interesting to me without Vovanius to finish project. I would be more interesting to implement another project - the development new motherboard form factor A1200. AGA chipset to be implemented on the FPGA, the processor has not yet selected a set of modern on-board peripherals - USB, Ethernet, SATA, etc. In addition, there is an idea installed on this board DSP with a modern bus to it and the FPGA with the access to the external connector and the API and give users the opportunity loaded into these chips their programs. This will enable relief processor to complex DSP algorithms, and the ability to connect various devices through the FPGA. These ideas remained ideas, even though I started to collect information on chipset, AGA, to convert it into FPGA. The plan was this - one chip with normal A1200 burn on FPGA and to achieve full compatibility programs. Then combine it all in one or more of the FPGA and then make a new motherboard. I even almost for the entire project PAULA made. If these ideas are interesting, it is possible to think of them together :)

Posted by majsta on Sunday, February 05 2012 @ 15:34:54 CET (29915 reads)
(Read More, Pictures, Files... | Amiga Talk Talk | Score: 3.6)

Are you interested in new production run of Vampire 1200 V2?

Yes, I would like to have one.
No, because I can't afford it now.
No, I am more interested in other accelerators.
Maybe but only if price/support is better.


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