Vampire 1200 V2 F-panel connector Date: Wednesday, January 03 2024 @ 16:32:58 UTC Topic: Amiga FPGA accelerator
Peripherals for the Vampire 1200 V2
Vampire 1200 V2 F-panel connector
Also known as case connector or chassis connector.
Provides HDD LED, PWR LED and RESET SWITCH for the Amiga 1200 in tower or desktop cases.
For connecting LED or SWITCH you can use front panel connectors already found in tower cases or use female Dupont jumper wires. You can order them from here. As usual RED wire indicates + and BLACK -.
RESET SWITCH is connected to Amiga KB_RESET signal found on Amiga 1200 motherboard. Connecting that signal briefly to GND activates logic found in Gayle chip who resets entire system.
PWRLED is simple connection to 3.3V over resistor on pin 4 and GND plane on pin 3.
HDD LED pin 5 is tied to pin 39 of IDE connector who is negative trigger and pin 6 is connected to +5V over resistor.
Vampire 1200 V2 F-panel pinout and schematics
Vampire 1200 V2 F-panel example of usage
Vampire 1200 V2 F-panel practical example
There are several more adapters who could be compatible with Vampire 1200 V2 accelerator F-panel. One of them is HDD LED module for Amiga 1200. However there is no guarantee or support from my side for this or similar adapters.