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Vampire V2 MENU: Installing new Cores using FlashROM executables
Posted on Sunday, May 05 2024 @ 14:43:10 CEST by majsta

Installing new Cores using FlashROM executables

Use the FlashROM executables to update the Vampire Core from AmigaOS 3.x.


BETTER to have a ready-to-use USB-Blaster in case of serious issue.
See Installing new Cores using Quartus II Programmer for more information.


Since release of VampireFlash tool found in SAGA drivers package FlashROM executables are not build or maintained anymore because with VampireFlash you can directly flash .JIC files.
See Installing new Cores using VampireFlash tool for more information.

How to flash the Vampire using a FlashROM executable

1. Keep a copy of the previous working Core.

  • Having a copy will be useful in case of severe bugs in new release.

2. Download one of the FlashROM executables suitable for your Vampire V2 Accelerator card from HERE.

  • Unpack .LHA archive.
  • Please read .TXT files provided in each .LHA archive.
3. Run the FlashROM executable from an AmigaOS 3.x Shell (newcli).

4. Confirm the operation by typing 'YES' (in CAPS) and pressing 'RETURN'.

5. Wait until flashing is finished.

  • NEVER switch off the computer during a flash operation.
  • Do NOT use your operating system during a flash operation.

6.Power OFF your Amiga / Vampire, disconnect the USB-Blaster, and wait at least 10 seconds. Make sure that all devices that have their own power connection, such as Digital Video and Ethernet cables, are also disconnected during this time, to prevent power backfeed into the Vampire.

7. Finally, Power ON your Amiga / Vampire.

Output from Amiga Shell

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· News by majsta

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