Some days ago I have decided to ensure better support for Vampire V2 series of accelerators with detail description of each product, tutorials and download sections. So far we had support over but unfortunately we had to cut some costs and support there had to be closed. From now on pages for support will be hosted here on this website who had different purpose before with more informative and research character. Making support on the level I want to be done will take some months and I hope that everyone will be patient but at the end we will have quality base of articles who will be very usable for end customers. Good product is nothing if you don't invest lot of time in tech support and do all the tutorials users want. As said this takes time because first old articles needs to be revisited and modified in order to explain usage of newer tools together with more updated picture guided tutorials. I have already started and first reactions of users are very good and this tells me that this is something they wanted. So far about 20 new pages is added and download section with SAGA drivers and cores is updated together with ChangeLogs. This is maybe 5% of what needs to be done so again I m asking for patience.
Thank you
Website ChangeLog
Apollo GOLD 2.17 BRONTO core with support for last batch of Vampire 1200 V2 accelerator cards uploaded into Download section.
Minor problem with Apollo GOLD 2.17 BRONTO core for Vampire 500 V2+ was detected few days ago. Problem is fixed, core compiled and uploaded into Download section. This had no influence on other Vampire V2 models. Sorry about this.
Apollo GOLD 2.17 BRONTO core with support for last batch of Vampire V2 accelerator cards uploaded into Download section.
How to explain to my mother who want's me to paint the walls today that I have problems with my website where bots or who knows what or who are spamming me badly exploiting contact forms. Mom I need to integrate reCAPTCHA to my 20+ years old PHPNuke website. It took me all day but now is integrated, for now only to Express Interest Contact form but slowly we will get there. Simply this has to be done, same goes for walls :)
Core update tutorial 80% done, take a look HERE.
Work on new rewritten core update tutorial started.
Several Vampire 1200 V2 cores uploaded to Download section
Added new WebSite logo, hope you like it:)
Fixed problem with Bad Referer (BBR), protection system was banning users by mistake.
Work on Vampire 500V2 menu/pages started.
Added Vampire V2 Express Interest Contact form.
Minor PHP Nuke Protector fix - added pictures of flags for some countries.
Minor Lightbox fix with positioning data container window.
In total 53 cores added for Vampire 500(+) and 600 by now, except GOLD3 Alpha cores who will be published after additional review.
Download links now in RED color
More cores for Vampire 500 V2(+) added
1. Vampire 500 V2(+) cores update in Download section 10% done
Fixed, PHPNuke can now accept HTML tag span style :P
Lightbox, animate picture preview now working in Chrome.
Lightbox exit button "X" on top right.
Going crazy PHPNuke won't accept HTML tag span style, in fact word style is the problem, blocked! I found where problem is but it is 1:38 AM now. DEAD tired! What an idiot I am right now, figuring out how I can't publish that this tag is not working under<> and same time I m witting that is not working!
Finally fixed nasty bug where Google Ads were not showing. I don't care much about ads for profit but for the purpose of indexing this pages this was very important. From thousands of lines of code it was very hard to find the problem. It was because lightbox and Google addsense js were interfering for some reason. Now they both work together! 5 days of work for this found!!! Fix in code within minute.
Website still in mess, stuck with PHP errors...
Updating Website to newer PHPNuke version, everything is in mess pls be patient
1. Vampire 600 V2 website section 80% done
2. Vampire 600 V2 cores update in Download section 95% done
3. Vampire 1200 V2 website section 70% done
4. Altera Quartus programmer software in Download section
5. SAGA drivers, 33 versions, uploaded in Download section