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Vampire V2 MENU: Arananet SDNET Adapter
Posted on Wednesday, January 10 2024 @ 21:15:35 CET by majsta

Under construction 11.1.2024.

Arananet SDNET Adapter

This tutorial covers Arananet SDNET Adapter Ethernet module who could be used on all Vampire V2 accelerator cards over MicroSD slot. It is very good and cheap alternative to other solutions and could get your Amiga online in matter of minutes. This adapter is practical example of ingenuity of Amiga users and developers who will always find a way to make something work on our precious machines. In my wandering what would be best solution to Vampire accelerators regarding Expansion sockets implementation of female socket on Vampire 500 V2+ Rev:2 and Rev 2.1 was not so good choice. Community replied with this solution. Later on, better and more compatible sockets were used on Vampire 500 V2 Rev: 2.2 and 2.3 and on all Vampire 1200 V2 models. But, nevertheless this project deserve proper coverage on following pages simply because it is brilliant hack used by many people.

Hardware and Software used

Arananet SDNET Adapter

ENC28J60 3.3V Module

Step 1.

Connect female to female DuPont jumper wires between the SDNet adapter and the ENC28J60 module following schematics and pinout shown below. Just connect pins INT, SI, SO ,SCK, VCC, GND from the adapter to the ENC28j60 3.3V module.

Arananet SDNET Adapter pinout

End result should look like this

It is known that many variations of ENC28J60 modules exists and lot of people has them and use for other purposes. Not all of them has same pinout like shown above but just following simple logic and connecting pin by pin following their names and purpose can give you solution. So if you already have module who is similar to what we presented here try to give it new life with your Amiga.

Arananet SDNET Adapter alternative pinout

Step 2.

After connecting all the wires, plug the SDNET adapter into the MicroSD slot of Vampire V2 accelerator and plug an LAN cable into the ENC28J60 module. Make sure that a LAN cable is connected to an active Ethernet port (Switch, Router, …)

Arananet SDNET Adapter plugged in in to Vampire V2 MicroSD slot

Step 3.

Having networking enabled all the time can lead to some troubles with other software (e.g. Whdload) so we usually don't want it to start automatically on startup. Edit S:startup-sequence file and comment these lines that should be near the end (put the semicolon at the beginning of each line):
;If EXISTS S:Network-Startup
;Execute S:Network-Startup

Step 4.

Download sdnet.devices and copy it into your CF card (you can use WinUAE to do that) Extract contents of that file (suggestion: use Dopus).

Step 5.

Go to System:Storage/NetInterfaces drawer and copy the following files into DEVS:NetInterfaces drawer:

Step 6.

Make sure you have the sdnet.device file in drawer DEVS:Networks.

Step 7.

Reboot your Amiga

Step 8.

To test SDNET open a CLI window and execute the sdnettest binary

Step 9.

Enable network by starting Roadshow Open a CLI window and execute the following command:
addnetinterface sdnet

Or simply double click on the SDNet icon inside DEVS:NetInterfaces drawer.

Step 10.

To shutdown Roadshow/disable network.

ShK presents Arananet SDNET Adapter

Additional information

This tutorial is build by Tiago Epifânio and published under CC BY-SA 4.0 license. Parts of the tutorial including several pictures are taken from original author of SDNET Adapter found at www.arananet.net. Tutorial is slightly modified by Majsta to make it up to date.

Big thanks goes to Bax who made this possible. The full distribution of SDNet & V2Expeth published under GPL license can be obtained HERE. In that repository, you can find the drivers, documentation and test programs. Source code included.

For tutorial based on Ethernet module supported on Vampire 500 V2+ Rev:2.2;2.3 and Vampire 1200 V2 go HERE.

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